  • [공항운영론] Airport Security and Facilitation
    the preventative sense, should be based on accurate and timely intelligence concerning the intentions, capabilities and actions of terrorists before they reach the airport. Here too, international cooperation has a vital part to play, a fact underlined when the United States signed into law the Foreign Airport Security Act as part of the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of
    2010-02-11 | 2,800원 | 52p | 공항보안 9/11테러 지침 출국게이트보안 에어사이드보안시설 공항안전시설 에어사이드안전성 인천공항보안시설 공항보안계획체계   [공항운영론] Airport Security and Facilitation
  • SPA 브랜드의 인적 자원 관리(영문)
    the most popular SPA brands in the world and when it became the number one brand, there is also fine human resources management system which encourages employee to work hard. UNIQLO promotes diversity, so they employ disable people and focus on global communication. Also they have program for workers to improve human resources environment and develop skills. H&M which has the biggest markets in t
    2017-11-17 | 2,500원 | 23p | 브랜드 관리 영문   SPA 브랜드의 인적 자원 관리(영문)
  • 대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
    for 'college student's consumption expenditure for the new semester'(Table 2), for which they feel the most inflation> it turned out that they feel the most inflation in the 'food expenses' item(40.8%) which took the top area for 2 years in a row from the last year(52.3%). The main reason why they show such sensitive responses like this is that food expenses accountfor a
    2017-11-17 | 5,000원 | 42p | 외식 구내식당 산업 연구 영문 구내   대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
  • [국제경영] 핀란드 시장조사-경제, 사회, 문화(영문)
    the summer and consumed hay in the winter. Essentially self-sufficient, Finland engaged in very limited agricultural trade. This traditional, almost autarkic, production pattern shifted sharply during the late nineteenth century, when inexpensive imported grain from Russia and the United States competed effectively with local grain. At the same time, rising domestic and foreign demand for dairy
    2011-09-09 | 2,800원 | 37p | 국제경영 시장조사 핀란드 경영 문화   [국제경영] 핀란드 시장조사-경제, 사회, 문화(영문)
  • [논문번역&요약]The role of the public administration in fighting corruption
    developing countries. 더욱이, 경제와 사회의 발전을 왜곡시키고 그것은 개발도상국가에 가장 큰 손해를 입힌다. Too often, corruption means that the world's poorest must pay for the corruption of their own officials and of companies from developed countries, although they are least able to afford its costs. 또한 종종, 부패는 세계의 가장 가난한
    2011-02-20 | 3,000원 | 39p | Frederick Stapenhurst Petter Langseth   [논문번역&요약]The role of the public administration in fighting corruption
  • [전략경영] Coca Cola(코카콜라) 사례 분석(영문)
    beverages and this could threaten the potential success it presents again. 6. 5Forces analysis & 4Building blocks 1) 5Forces analysis Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of Coca-Cola’s buyers varies widely. Since they typically only carry a single type of Cola Beverage (usually either Pepsi or Coke), very large restaurant chains have the highest amount of bargaining power, and
    2010-12-13 | 1,400원 | 17p | 전략경영 Coca 코카콜라 사례 Cola   [전략경영] Coca Cola(코카콜라) 사례 분석(영문)
  • [금융시장론] ELW의 문제점과 향후 방향(영문)
    the contract is an option to buy, it is referred to as a “call” option; an option to sell is a “put” option. If the option can be used at any point up to its expiration, it is called an “American” option; if it can be affected only at its expiration, it is “European.” The asset in question is classically a block of stock (typically 100 shares), but options can also be written on a
    2011-09-30 | 1,400원 | 11p | 금융시장론 ELW 시장론 방향 금융   [금융시장론] ELW의 문제점과 향후 방향(영문)
  • HP in Singapore 레포트
    ■ Diverse Aspects Ⅰ. Political Environment The political structure of a country inevitably affects the way a business operates, as it is the political regime that will enact laws, sets regulations and policies. Singapore's parliamentary democracy system is well known for creating a stable and orderly government. The government provides first-rate efficiency and excellence in the p
    2011-07-29 | 1,700원 | 20p | HP Singapore   HP in Singapore 레포트
  • 멕시코 국가 조사(영문)
    the current month. • Plates ending with 3 or 4 (red) cannot be driven on Wednesdays and the 3rd Saturday of the current month. • Plates ending with 1 or 2 (green) cannot be driven on Thursdays and the 4th Saturday of the current month. • Plates ending with 9 or 0 (blue) cannot be driven on Fridays and the 5th Saturday (if any) of the current month. For example, a fiction
    2011-03-01 | 2,800원 | 52p | 멕시코 국가 영문 조사   멕시코 국가 조사(영문)
  • 새만금 개발 계획(영문)
    the gradual relaxing wood deck, inside diameter of 11m continuously changing facial expressions are established fountain equipment. Also, the sky is provided with retractable canopy, has gained a unique view of an outdoor functions and a half 3-6.TOHO CINEMA .RoppongiHills TOHO CINEMAS ROPPONGI HILLS is a mega-cinema complex with nine screens and seating for around 2,100.(Japanese Only) Sun
    2011-02-22 | 2,800원 | 59p | 새만금 개발 계획 영문   새만금 개발 계획(영문)
  •  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
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